A Taxing Situation

A Taxing Situation Everyone believes that they give more than enough to Uncle Sam and are reticent to voluntarily give any more. Quite often, we come across a situation where a client has an outsized position in one or several stocks and they won’t sell any because of the tax implications, even if the long […]

What, Me Worry?

What, Me Worry? The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) held their meeting this week and as usual, it created some wild swings on Wall Street. What caused the ruckus this time was a market that had been leaning toward fewer and fewer rates cuts and some early chatter about maybe the next move had to […]

It Don’t Come Easy

It Don’t Come Easy We’ve been concerned that the Street’s view of AI has been a bit ‘one-sided’, that is, looking only at the benefits, and not focusing on the costs. That may have come to an end this week as AI had its first collision with reality when Meta offered weaker Q2 revenue guidance […]

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Bet You Didn’t Know With all the attention on the stock market, we bet you didn’t know that over the last 5 years, gold has outperformed the S&P 500! The recent very strong performance of gold is very unusual. What’s driving this unusual occurrence?  We see it as: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly […]