Now is the Time to Rebalance | Philip Palumbo

Now is the Time to Rebalance | Philip Palumbo In this video, Phil Palumbo talks about now being the best time to rebalance your investment portfolio. Please Click Here to view.   Palumbo Wealth Management (PWM) is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where PWM and its […]

WARNING! Use Extreme Caution! | January 1, 2022

WARNING! Use Extreme Caution! “After two years of ‘up, up, up’ this must be a great time to be an advisor – it just doesn’t get much easier than this!” This theme was more common than expected as we exchanged holiday wishes with friends and clients. The reality is just the opposite. This environment is […]

Valuations Only Matter on the Way Down | December 4, 2021

Valuations Only Matter on the Way Down The long-term investing lessons still apply. Like a game of musical chairs, you never know when the music will stop. Attempting to time markets is a hope, not a strategy. In our view, the better option is to keep your risks balanced and allow markets to give the […]

Wherever You Go, There You Are | November 27, 2021

Wherever You Go, There You Are At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we find the current market valuation to be very high. But rather than just say that, we thought it might be helpful to give some perspective around that comment. (Please note that this comment was penned prior to the market […]

Waiting for Godot | September 11, 2021

Waiting for Godot If you’ve been waiting for a correction, it’s been like waiting for Godot. The statistic of the week was that we have not had a 5% correction since last October. If that holds up for the rest of the year, it will only be the third time that has happened since 1980. […]