China as a Catalyst | October 29, 2022

China as a Catalyst This week’s headline could easily be construed as a commentary on the potential for an armed conflict, but in this case, we are on a completely different track. With the economic situation in the States appearing increasingly dire (weakening economy, high inflation, massive debt, & higher interest rates) it is rather […]

Where Are We Going? | June 25, 2022

Where Are We Going? We suffered the great exasperation of hearing parts of Fed Chair Powell’s Humphrey-Hawkins testimony in front of the Senate on Wednesday. Fortunately, we managed to miss some of it, but rather than a session to better understand our current economic problems, it became a series of political advertisements, each charging the […]

Georgia Produces a Blue Ripple | January 9, 2021

Georgia Produces a Blue Ripple The Democrats have won both Senate seats which substantially changes the mathematics in Washington. The Senate is now a 50-50 split, with VP-Elect Harris the tie braking vote, but this is certainly not a carte blanche for Democrats. Much of the legislation listed below will require 60 Senate votes for […]